Many people are seeking for various philosophies on how to find a happy life. But little did they know that the answer to a happy life are in the little things we do daily. I wouldn't say that I found the solution and neither am I trying to tell you how to live your life but rather give some tips to start your happy life. Without wasting much time, these are the tips;
1) Get off your daily routine: Take sometime off your heavy schedule and think about your daily activities. Have you realised that your daily activities look almost the same everyday? Studies? Work? Yes, it's about time you took a little break to appreciate life. Go for a walk, invite friends to go out, the cinema is also a good idea, etc. Well, the main objective is to get off your daily routine.
2) Make someone's day: Yes, you read that right! There is joy in making someone happy. Happiness is infectious. Crack jokes, laugh out loud, make new friends, etc. If you surround yourself with happy people, you will end up being affected positively too. Try that out and you will surprise yourself.
3) Set "small" goals: When I say "small", I mean set little things that you know you can achieve within the day as goals. It could be small but achieving it will give you joy. The accumulation of small goals lead to big goals. What is important is to start accomplishing something. You will find joy accomplishing your goals. By the time you will realise, your life would be full of wonderful achievements.