Saturday, 18 June 2016


I would like to confess one thing.
Christianity is not easy. It is a daily struggle. A fight without end. I have seen so many people try to be Christians but gave up along the way.
I would want to confess another thing. Being a student is not easy. It is a daily struggle. A fight without end. I have seen so many people try to be students but gave up along the way.
Now, does that make sense to you?
I am aware that being a Christian is not easy but I have this hope that someday my works shall be rewarded. I have not given up studying because I know that if I continue to the end, I will be rewarded. Nothing good comes on a silver platter.
God is calling you today to set things right with Him. The way of a Christian is like driving the opposite direction on a one-way road. The way of a Christian is not the same as the pattern of this world.
Set things right with God.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Google Translator In-App New Update

So Google recently released another version of their translator which has made things so easy to hang around. Mind to check out? Then continue reading...

The recent version is worth talking about because an in-app feature has been introduced. This feature makes it possible to do a translation without having to close the application that you are using at the moment.

All you need is to update your app and activate the feature. The feature appears at the right corner of your screen. To use the in-app feature of the translator, just select the statement you want to translate, copy and the app will pop-up at the right-hand corner of the screen.

How to Activate the In-App translator
>>Launch the Google Translator
>>Go to Settings
>>Click on Tap To Translate
>>Then, finally Activate

You can download the app here -->Google translator App<--
For more info, click here

I hope you enjoy this feature.